Emily Orsich is a freelance artist living and working in Canton, Ohio

Emily has always been captivated by the experience of art making - using artwork as a mode of self-expression and representation of herself through multiple mediums, such as acrylic paint, oil pastels, and graphite.

Her work is the accumulation of feelings, memories, subconscious and conscious thoughts that morph into shapes and colors on canvas. Her work is primarily driven by emotional mapping, how she experiences the world visually and interprets it physically and metamorphically. Another key part of her practice is the display of her vulnerability, the profound loss of her brother, and the memories of him continually influence her work - both seen and unseen.

She is passionate about the unique impact artwork can have on a viewer. The human connection is innate and may not always be conveyed through verbalization, but felt and seen through the process, creation, and viewing of art.